Barton Court Grammar School

Mr J HopkinsHeadteacher

JHOBarton Court Grammar School is an 11-18yrs co-educational selective school in the heart of  Canterbury. We achieved a “Good” rating with many outstanding features by Ofsted in February 2020, with “Outstanding” for Leadership & Management, Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development. We deliver high academic standards within a very caring and supportive school community. Our focus is on achieving excellence in all that we do to support outstanding outcomes for all our students. This is evident in the way our community of students, parents, staff and governors all work together to provide an engaging learning environment so that each student thrives and achieves their full potential.

We all learn best when we are happy and valued; supported and encouraged, so at Barton Court Grammar School we take care to ensure our students’ education is both enriching and enjoyable.

Academic excellence is at the heart of our school, but we equally nurture creativity, personal and physical development, independence and inquiring minds. All students are individuals, and there can be no single pathway that all must be compelled to tread. Consequently, we endeavour to build a personal curriculum that will draw upon the raw talent and energy that your child brings with them to help them to achieve personal success.

Students are supported, inspired and challenged to achieve their very best in all that they do in order to reach their full potential and academic excellence. Students develop into independent and resilient learners who are able to succeed in an ever-changing and technological world. When they leave Barton Court, students are articulate, confident and principled young people who have made a positive contribution to their school and the wider community.  

Excellence in teaching and learning is at the heart of our school. In January 2023 the School was re-accredited for the 3rd time as an Advanced Thinking School in recognition of the outstanding work we do in cognitive education. A Thinking School is “A learning community in which all members share a common language; where thinking strategies and tools are used across the curriculum and teachers and students have sound understanding of metacognition; where all students are developing and demonstrating independent and cooperative learning skills; where the school generates  high levels of achievement and an excitement and enthusiasm for learning” (Thinking Matters)

We are extremely proud to be the only Thinking School in Canterbury and East Kent and one of a few Advanced Thinking Schools in the UK.

When you visit us, we hope you will appreciate not only the courtesy and confidence of the students, but also their joy and enthusiasm.

To find out more about our school please visit our website.